cord review

cord review

Get rid of the back and forth about wondering what failed or how a feature was tested. QA teams can quickly package up exactly what they tested and make it available to the development team for them to see what failed. You don't need to worry or wonder if your UAT lane is up to date. Simply send stakeholders a link when it is time for them to review the newest enhancements. With cord review, non-prod environments can be turned on and off at will making it a cost savings. Not to mention removing the burden of maintaining them.

Screenshot of cord tools environments with graphic depiction of github branches over top

Easy Approvals

Introduces on-demand preview environments that allow stakeholders to validate and approve work on individual features.

Allow the QA team to test better

No longer does there need to be back and forth about what failed or how a feature was tested. QA teams can quickly package up exactly what they tested and make it available to the development team for them to see what failed. 

Make user acceptance easier

No longer do you need to worry or wonder if your UAT lane is up to date. Simply send stakeholders a link when it is time for them to review the newest enhancements. 

On demand AEM environments

Many organizations keep non-prod environments running at least the entire work week. With cord review, non-prod environments can be turned on and off at will making it a cost savings. Not to mention removing the burden of maintaining them.

Cord tools is the perfect companion to Cloud Manager for Adobe Experience Manager

Integrate custom processes into Cloud Manager’s Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline and more.

There's more in the toolset

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