cord edge

cord edge

Mobile usage accounts for half the web traffic throughout the world, implementing cord edge will allow front end users a better web experience. Take the opportunity to optimize every screen a user might engage on. While the AEM infrastructure may seem daunting to some, connecting a CDN to Adobe Experience Manager is quite possible and brings with it faster delivery, greater uptime, and geographic latency.

Floating laptop with cord edge screenshot over lit up map of world.

Dependable Delivery

We've made it simple to globally distribute a website with a fully integrated Content Delivery Network (CDN).

Faster delivery, greater uptime, and geographic latency

A caching strategy that doesn’t include a solution for these three items is no real strategy at all. Don’t just pay lip service to what is likely the most important items for a globally distributed website. 

Improved mobile experience

Mobile usage accounts for half the web traffic throughout the world. Implementing cord edge will allow front end users a better web experience. Take the opportunity to optimize every screen a user might engage on.

Integrating a CDN with AEM isn’t a mystery

While the AEM infrastructure may seem daunting to some, connecting a CDN to Adobe Experience Manager is quite possible.

Cord tools is the perfect companion to Cloud Manager for Adobe Experience Manager

Integrate custom processes into Cloud Manager’s Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline and more.

There's more in the toolset

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