cord pipes

cord pipes

You don’t need to worry about how you can automate your AEM Deployments. You can define your own rules for deployment, verification, validation, quality assurance and any other ALM practices your organization has adopted. Cord pipes integrates into Cloud Manager, the code deployment system utilized by both Adobe Managed Services and AEM as a Cloud Service. Deploy with confidence with cord pipes.

Screenshot of cord pipes integration pipeline

Flow State

Incorporates a modern continuous integration pipeline built specifically for Experience Manager. The aim of which is to save time while providing confidence that code deployments won’t break the website.

Working with Cloud Manager is a breeze

Cord Pipes will easily integrate into Cloud Manager, the code deployment system utilized by both Adobe Managed Services and AEM as a Cloud Service. So you don’t need to worry about how you can automate your AEM Deployments.

Deliver often and any time

Your CI/CD pipeline doesn’t have to be a pipe dream. And you don’t have to cross your fingers every time you deploy your latest code package. Deploy with confidence.

Simple integration with all Application Lifecycle Management models

Define your own rules for deployment, verification, validation, quality assurance and any other ALM practices your organization has adopted.

Cord tools is the perfect companion to Cloud Manager for Adobe Experience Manager

Integrate custom processes into Cloud Manager’s Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline and more.

There's more in the toolset

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